What actions should be taken in order to be on the first pages in Google search?

There is no doubt, that today’s goods and service market requires more internet resources. The promotion of the website has become one of the key priorities of the company’s sales strategy. That is why it is extremely essential to monitor your site position and understand the crucial points of how to make your business profitable. The monitoring of the website position gives you an idea of whether the content is popular, what is needed to be changed to attract the audience, and whether the chosen ad technology works effectively. We’ve created 10 tips that extend about what actions should be taken in order to be on the first pages in Google search.

  1. Fill your website with unique thematic articles. Google tends to produce content that is useful to the potential customers taking into account the overall theme and the page content.
  2. Create a nice design that won’t disturb visitor’s eyes. Choose the right product presentation to make it look interesting for the target audience. Use the headlines to let the reader understand which aspects are provided in the article.
  3. Update your content regularly. In that case, the site will not be considered abandoned. To do this, create discussions or add a chat option so that users can comment, post videos or podcasts. This measure will increase the duration of your guest’s visit.
  4. Optimize your web for mobile phones and voice search.
  5. Increase the number of external links. Ideally, they are also themed. Use bold links to build up your statistical weight.
  6. Use Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. They allow improving page indexing and ranking.
  7. Place the site in the online magazines.
  8. Do not forget about advertising: contextual, banner, teaser.

 9 Add the links to content in social networks. Create the correct linking.

  1. Select the region to promote.

When you are ready with the site content, it is time to think about your guests’ attendance. The best way to control your daily rank tracking is to buy a rank tracking package on BrandMeWeb website. This app can become a true gift for any online vendor as it is supposed to provide its users with three time-period report offers per day, per week, or month. Any of the mentioned options will allow you receive keyword rank tracker reports which will help you to generate the future direction of your company. 

We would like to suggest to you the enterprise SEO rank tracking plan which includes everything that is needed to supply you with the most appropriate monitoring statistics. The package implies one tracking domain, 2 search engines, and such amenities as monthly SEO Ranking Report, weekly technical SEO audit report, and marketing SEO Ranking Report.

As you see, the platform provides all the aspects of high-quality SEO analytics so do not be shy and use your chance to become a market leader with BrandMeWeb right now!