Understating Outpatient Rehab services

Outpatient services offered at a rehab refer to a treatment program that does not require addicts/ patients to be committed to the facility for a specific period. It does not involve onsite living, as patients can still receive the treatment they need away from the facility. Most rehabs, Skyward Treatment Center included, have such provisions. Different patients have varied preferences as far as their addiction recovery journey is concerned.

Defining Outpatient Rehab Service

Outpatient rehab services are non-residential rehab services. It works best for addicts with mild addiction struggles, who are less likely to relapse with proper care. Sometimes, the outpatient program comes after an addict completes their inpatient treatment program first, especially the detox session.

This rehab program best suits individuals who want to overcome addiction without losing their freedom. They have responsibilities to meet and must attend to their daily activities. Another set of people that can benefit from outpatient rehab programs are addicts with strong home networks. This means that people are dedicated to ensuring that the addict meets their goal despite not being committed to any facility.

What is the Goal of an Outpatient Program in rehab?

The main goal of this program is to offer the patients the flexibility they need to cope with life as they continue with treatment. Addiction recovery is a continuous process that only stops at death. Therefore, finding a middle ground where life goes on is crucial, but addiction recovery continues to be managed adequately.

Ultimately, the main goal is to avoid substance abuse and live an independent, healthy life free of mental and substance abuse. When this is achieved, the outpatient program can be qualified to be a significant success.

Are there Different Types of Outpatient Programs?

Like it is with everything else, the outpatient rehab program varies both in intensity and type. Some programs involve partial hospitalization (PHP), where clinical and medical support is given. However, in such a program, patients can survive without 24-hour monitoring.

Then there is the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). This involves outpatient treatment but with support like those of an inpatient program. It takes a more long-term approach, with the program lasting 8 to 12 weeks. It also only works if the addict has a strong network at home since close monitoring is needed. The program includes individual counselling, group therapy sessions, life skills, and group support.

How Much Time is Needed for Outpatient Rehab?

Usually, the amount of time an addict needs to get support from a rehab facility depends on their needs. In most cases, outpatient programs require the addict to visit the rehab centre for help for at least 10 to 12 weeks. However, depending on their needs, this can last anything from 3months to a year.

From experience, though, most addicts can recover and maintain their sobriety if they are committed to the treatment sessions for about a year or more. Regardless of the time frame, getting a suitable facility matters more. Reach out to us today for the kind fo support you need.