Understanding Part 135

If you have chartered a private jet, FAR part 135 may not be a new term to you. In this article, we learn more and understand why the price of a private jet charter varies. The Federal Aviation Administration describes part 135 as an air carrier and operating certification. A single pilot operator in part 135 is a certificate holder who can only use one pilot for all operations. The FAA lists the pilots by names and certification numbers.

The single-pilot operator is not required to make or maintain manuals or training programs but is required to designate management officials in charge of operational control and also provide hazardous materials training programs.

Who is a Part 135 Pilot in Command?

A single pilot in command is a certificate holder who can only use PIC and a maximum of three seconds in command. A Pic is allowed to use pilots in listed duty positions. At the same time, the certificate holder is not authorized to use other pilots, and other pilots cannot serve them unless listed in that duty position. Some categories of part 135 are not allowed to make category II or III approaches, so they have to divert in the case of low visibility or fog.

Federal Aviation Administration Part 135 Restrictions

Single PIC holders are limited to their scope of operations and aircraft size. They can only use certified aircraft with nine or fewer passenger seats. The operations are limited to Mexico, the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. Category II and III instrument approaches are allowed, and with regulation, diversions can be allowed for required training programs, manuals, and some management positions.

Part 135 Basic Operator

Part 135 Basic operators are certificate holders with operations limited in the size and scope of their operations. Their limitations include a minimum of five aircraft and five pilots, including SICs. Aircraft have nine or fewer passenger seats. Operations are limited to the Caribbean, the United States, Mexico, and Canada. There are no category II and category III instrument approach operations. They are allowed to develop manuals and maintain training programs and are given the required management positions.

Standard Part 135

A standard part 135 operator is a certificate holder without preset limits on the size and scope of the operations. They must apply, and once they qualify, they need FAA authorization. They should develop and maintain training programs and manuals and have the required management positions.

Does it Matter Which Part of 135 Operator is Flying?

Yes, it matters. Smaller operators with a few airplanes and pilots can have a lot of challenges in the event of a mechanical issue or if the pilot is unwell. When booking for an on-demand charter, in cases where the broker is not covering you, you may have to pay for a last-minute re-quote and the difference in pricing. You can also get into a position where you need to pay for a new flight while you are waiting for a refund.

The inability to perform category II and category III approaches in cases of poor visibility limit your ability to land, and you have to divert. When buying a jet card, you must read about the service recovery policy since most jet cards offer service recovery but may have different terms.